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Remote Software Development Work

No companies are prepared for COVID-19 outbreak.


When the earliest cases of the novel coronavirus were found December last year, no one could have predicted that the pandemic will lead us to the environment we are currently living and working in, and that the situation will escalate so quickly in just a few months.


The implementation of PSBB or Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (Large-scale Social Restrictions) and strong encouragement of work from home policies has caused businesses from accross different sectors to falters, resulting in economic disruption that has caused more than 2 millions of Indonesian workers being laid off and placed on furlough.


With the vaccine has yet to be found, social distancing may remain in place for a longer time. Harvard Researchers even predicted that in US, intermittent distancing may be required into 2022 unless a treatment or vaccine becomes available. Given examples of South Korea and Singapore, effective distancing is essentials because it could reduce the strain on health care systems and enable contact tracing and quarantine to be feasible.


Wearing a facemask, social distancing and frequent hand-washing will become parts of the ‘new normal’ from now on, said the head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPD) who is also the head of the National COVID-19 Task Force.


However, prolonged distancing may have negative economic consequences that will lead to a global recession, where 1.1 million to 3.78 million of Indonesian people could fall into poverty, and 2.9 million to 5.2 million workers could lose their jobs.


To keep your business afloat and recover from the impact caused by the corona virus pandemic, it is important to ensure that everyone is healthy and productive. In the past few months, many businesses has undergone digital transformation and incorporate new technologies and strategies as a way to remain productive and effective under highly challenging circumstances.


As one of the leading system integrator in Indonesia, is ready to support your IT needs for digital transformation in two ways:


1. Project-Based

In a project-based model, a dedicated team is assigned to handle the whole process of a project, from the beginning to the end. The team may consist of people with all of the skills required to take care of the project, such as software developers, UI/UX designers, software testers, project managers, etc. Usually, one team will focus on managing no more than two projects at the same time, making it a suitable option for companies with no internal IT team.


By adopting this model, you will be able to bring together people with different skillsets at a more reasonable cost. Furthermore, with the team focus on less deliverable, they can also be more productive and less distracted, which is crucial for the success of the project.


2. Team-based Outsourcing

With a team-based outsourcing, you are the one who manage the project. A distributed team or personnel will contribute to your projects, which can be two or more at the same time. Unlike the project-based outsourcing, this outsourcing model allows you to hire both a specific team member and a full, complete team. Whether it is just a developer, UI/UX designer, or a software tester, you can hire only the people you need for your projects.

The team-based outsourcing model allows the team members to switch from one task to another across multiple projects, therefore more agile and flexible. As an additional support, this solution is recommended for companies that already have their own in-house IT team.


Why work with


1. Remote software development with strict procedural rules

We put our clients’ and employees’ health on top of our priority, hence the reason why during the pandemic, we encourage you to choose remote software development instead. To maintain physical distancing during the development process, in person or face-to-face meetings will be replaced with remote, online, or virtual one, supported by the latest technology such as video conferencing and collaborative tools that can bridge the distance gap between you and the development team.

Not only that, we also follow strict personal hygiene, cleaning, and sanitising procedure to ensure that the development team will stay healthy and fit throughout the development process.

We are communicative, responsive, and commited to deliver your projects with 100% success rate, even remotely.


2. Hands-on experience with enterprise, medium, and big companies

For years, even before the pandemic, we have been successfully managing remote development and providing outsourcing service for enterprises and medium to big companies across different sectors. Our clients including private bank, minimarket chain, and large mining companies in Indonesia.

Whether you are a company with small IT department or no IT team at all, is ready to guide you with remote digital transformation and system integration. From project manager to developer and even a complete development team, we will always provide you with the best engineer we have.


3. Provide you with the right solution

We solve your problem by providing you with the right solution approach. With our services ranged from consultation through system implementation, as well as final system testing or verification, our priority is to make solutions that are tailored to meet your company’s specific needs and size.


Looking for the best System Integrator in Indonesia to help you with remote software development? Consult your needs and entrust the system integration to (Bridge Technology Service). Contact us:

Phone : (+62 22) 6614726
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