Learning Management System

Learning Management System Software

Education is a sector that has been significantly hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and is still in a long way to be back to normal. E-learning has become the only way to continue all learning activities which have been dependent on the benefits of Learning Management System (LMS). The various modules on the LMS allow both learners and teachers to emulate the classroom sessions that involve two-way interaction, quiz management, assignment submission, and more. The use of an LMS during the COVID-19 pandemic can make the learning process more efficient to promote more well-organized learning.

The function of the learning management system encompasses many learning activities, see our previous elaboration on its functions here. For now, allow us to elaborate on the benefits of learning management system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read on!


Easy Progress and Performance Tracking

Instructors can get a lot of value analysis using the modules within the LMS. The knowledge level of each student, the overall task performances, and the attitude of each student can be tracked and recorded so that every progress can be seen. Instructors are also allowed to use more varied learning methods in testing and evaluating students’ materials and apply personal approaches to different students. 


Access to Learning Resources and Materials 

When providing references for teaching materials or even notes that students need to use as a guide, instructors can upload teaching materials in various formats. Generally, the accepted formats for LMS are PDF, PPT, DOC, XLS, JPG, to MP4 video formats. In addition, instructors also can include a link for students to study more creatively and simply using social platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. In this way, it is hoped that it will make it easier for instructors to deliver teaching materials and students can access unlimited resources and learning materials. 


Dismissal of Learning Cost 

Since learning is conducted virtually without having to travel to school or classrooms, the cost of accommodations and transportation are unnecessary. Every learning process is experienced online from home, which also affects social interaction without having to cost anything but an internet connection. Everyone can have their snacks and beverages at home! 


New Learning Experiences Involving a Fun and Competitive Approach

LMS modules allow teachers to assign tasks and the learning programs easier and more systematic. This can benefit instructors to create more approaches that ignite a competitive atmosphere among students. Instructors are given a wide array of approaches to make learning and testing more alive by organizing a team competition, a quiz with rewards and punishments, online scavenger hunts on academic knowledge, and other fun activities. By being competitive, students are determined to be more engaged with the learning process and material. 


More Efficient Learning Processes

One of the most significant benefits of Learning Management System allowing students and instructors to conduct training and learning more efficiently. For instructors, materials, grade system, and class management can be done in one sitting as all learning activities are conducted online. On the other hand, it is easier for students to learn when the teacher uses a learning system through video recordings which can be rewatched even after a session is over. 



As the COVID-19 pandemic has been keeping physical activities more limited, LMS provides learners and instructors with more efficient and effective solutions in continuing education and learning. The developed modules and features recover all it needed to connect instructors and students in exchanging knowledge. Accessible learning materials, precise progress tracking and records, a systemic grading system, and easy-to-operate platforms are the highlights of the benefits of Learning Management System. As there is always room for improvement in every module, LMS has already become quite a detour in making learning more efficient and effective.